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Our focus of the week Music that speak for you. Life by Real Dizmo

Life is a journey characterized by ups and downs, twists and turns, lows and ups and many other
chaotic tragedies. Sad but true, I still wondered how I was going to get this messages across.

When I saw people giving up on their dreams; I wished I had known how I could whisper into
their ears and encourage them to keep the fire burning.
The disturbing but beautifully echoed voices of early morning birds is a wake up morning alarm.
They signify time to work and revive the hustle; continuing from wherever one stopped yesterday.

But it was as sad as sadness can get that I found myself not knowing how to explain it to those who continued to lay in bed even when the dark was gone.
Some people never treat others fairly, in fact, life itself is sometimes never fair toward itself. However, messengers of God are always with us. Sadly, I still could not find means of explaining to people that angels from above the clouds are always watching.

Love your neighbor as you love yourself is life’s most important commandment. It broke my heart when I saw so much enmity in the world; with brothers living us enemies and sisters as rivals.
Goodness sake, joy came to the world; just when all hope had gone, just the moment I felt the titanic had completely sunk, Real Dizmo with the help of Jay-Cash who added more spice to the beat dropped a single titled “Life”. Life by Dizmo still does me big favors; for it speaks out
loud of life’s most essential traits.
In fact, as soon as ‘Life’ was out of the studio, I never hesitated to dedicate this song so full of life enriching traits to the world. By the way, Zambian Tunes knows well that sometimes we
need music to speak for us.
By Akabondo Simutanyi

Uncle-P Pro

Entrepreneur || Digital Marketer || Artistes Manager || Events Planner || Music Promoter || Creative Force behind Zambian Tunes
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